Meet Carita!
How did you get into and discover bookbinding? In the 1980s four friends and I owned a store in New York City called The 5 & Dime which sold whimsical artist-made objects. Some of the objects that most intrigued and inspired me were letterpress art postcards and datebooks hand-bound by Esther K Smith and Dikko Faust of Purgatory Pie Press. They introduced me to The Center for Book Arts where I took classes with a passion for exploring the possibilities in book creations. Are there other crafts you've explored over the years? I have always loved to collect objects from nature. Rocks, tree parts, shells, plants, discarded items, any found object seemed to have another life once in my hands. I lived on a boat for a good portion of my childhood and this collecting and crafting was part of my daily life. I never thought of making things as crafting. It was just how one got what one wanted from what was available. My favorite shops to visit in foreign ports were bookstores and stationeries. I loved all the ways paper was used and how it connected us to our thoughts and each other. I explored assemblages, sewing, knitting, beading, woodworking, ceramics, photography, quilting, some painting, mosaics, and collage. What are your favorite parts about exploring craft/nature as a community or in service of community? The only thing more delicious to me than giving someone a thing I have made is to share with them how to make it and then be part of what new ideas they wrap into it and share onward. What are some other things you do in your professional life or study? I am a co-founder of Evergreen, a Center for Balanced Living in Easton, Maryland. I am a Homeopath, Reiki ART, and Yoga practitioner/erstwhile teacher. All three of these disciplines manifest differently in my life now than they did years ago. If you could wake up with a new skill tomorrow, what would it be? Writing poetry and prose with facility, clarity, and a unique beauty of expression. Is there an animal you feel a kinship with? Used to be fish, now turtles seem to be showing up. Though, they may have to move over for the exquisite black squirrel I saw the other day. Favorite meal? Thai Panang curry with tofu or shrimp and brown rice, level 4 spicy! |