Workparties 2024
Upcoming Workparties:
Saturday April 20- Sunday April 21, on Greens Island
Clear blowdowns, and burn brush piles.
Sunday May 5th, 10am - 2pm, 50 Tufts Rd, Belfast, ME
Disassemble collapsed bowshed so we can access our gig and start working on it. More dates to sand, and paint the boat to follow (in May 2024).
Thank you for volunteering your time to help us take care of our boats! Please email Arista to join.
Saturday April 20- Sunday April 21, on Greens Island
Clear blowdowns, and burn brush piles.
Sunday May 5th, 10am - 2pm, 50 Tufts Rd, Belfast, ME
Disassemble collapsed bowshed so we can access our gig and start working on it. More dates to sand, and paint the boat to follow (in May 2024).
Thank you for volunteering your time to help us take care of our boats! Please email Arista to join.