Coastal Navigation & Knot Tying Refresher Course
Saturday May 11th
9am- 5pm
Hosted at the Belfast Boathouse, 34 Commercial Street, Belfast, ME 04915
Instructed by Arista Holden and Dylan Ladds
This class will be indoors practicing with traditional tools such as paper charts, compasses, dividers and parallel rules. Topics covered will include dead reckoning, triangulation, anchorage assessment, anchoring, lat and long, safety/danger bearings, tides and currents/rule of 12s, and weather, passage planning, etc. Your instructors will lead you through a simple series of steps to make the process of navigating easy to remember, and manageable.
Whether you are new to coastal navigation or a seasoned navigator looking to hone your craft, this is the class for you!
We will also practice tying 5-10 essential knots and practice whipping and splicing if time allows!
9am- 5pm
Hosted at the Belfast Boathouse, 34 Commercial Street, Belfast, ME 04915
Instructed by Arista Holden and Dylan Ladds
This class will be indoors practicing with traditional tools such as paper charts, compasses, dividers and parallel rules. Topics covered will include dead reckoning, triangulation, anchorage assessment, anchoring, lat and long, safety/danger bearings, tides and currents/rule of 12s, and weather, passage planning, etc. Your instructors will lead you through a simple series of steps to make the process of navigating easy to remember, and manageable.
Whether you are new to coastal navigation or a seasoned navigator looking to hone your craft, this is the class for you!
We will also practice tying 5-10 essential knots and practice whipping and splicing if time allows!
- Class tuition: Sliding Scale $25 -$100; $1 for AC USA staff and AC International Contest of Seamanship participants
- Please bring your own lunch.
- We will provide charts, nav tools, and line, but please bring any specific navigation tools, charts, VHFs, and GPS you have and want to work with.
- Limit to 20 participants