Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the boats used in Atlantic Challenge?
Bantry Bay gigs; copies of 18th century French Admiral's gigs. They are 38 ft long, and have three dipping lug sails, ten oars, and no centerboard or keel!
When was did Atlantic Challenge begin?
1986. Lance Lee, of Maine, USA, founder of the Apprenticeshop in Maine (1972), and Benard Cadoret, of Brittany, France, founder of the wooden boat magazine Le Chasse Marée (1981) co-founded Atlantic Challenge as a way to bring young people from many nations together in friendship, and as a way to preserve traditional seamanship skills.
When was the first Atlantic Challenge International Contest of Seamanship?
The first two Bantry Bay gigs were built at the Rockport Apprenticeshop in 1986, and the first Contest, with French and American crews participating, happened at the OP Sail Event in New York City in July 1986.
What are the boats used in Atlantic Challenge?
Bantry Bay gigs; copies of 18th century French Admiral's gigs. They are 38 ft long, and have three dipping lug sails, ten oars, and no centerboard or keel!
When was did Atlantic Challenge begin?
1986. Lance Lee, of Maine, USA, founder of the Apprenticeshop in Maine (1972), and Benard Cadoret, of Brittany, France, founder of the wooden boat magazine Le Chasse Marée (1981) co-founded Atlantic Challenge as a way to bring young people from many nations together in friendship, and as a way to preserve traditional seamanship skills.
When was the first Atlantic Challenge International Contest of Seamanship?
The first two Bantry Bay gigs were built at the Rockport Apprenticeshop in 1986, and the first Contest, with French and American crews participating, happened at the OP Sail Event in New York City in July 1986.